Students who’ve been through it.


This is the story of Squired’s website. It covers the process and evolution of its design from ideation to implementation, and the major decisions that influenced them.


Product Design
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy



In 2019, I cofounded Squired - a platform that connects students applying to competitive universities with mentors who have been through the process themselves, to offer help and advice with the college application process. Mentors offer essay editing, feedback, interview prep, and guidance from first hand experience at a rate significantly below traditional college consultants.

As the Head of Product, I owned and led the product design and strategy Squired, building it up from what once was just a simple static website hosting successful college essays, towards a fully-fledged, dynamic platform and community of students and mentors of diverse backgrounds and experiences.  As of 2024, I am proud to say thta Squired has created over 70,000 student-mentor connections, and has reached over 2 million users online,

The Problem Statement

The Grand Problem

Higher education has consistently proven to be one of the best ways for students to get ahead, particularly in a world that is rapidly automating away some of the most widely held jobs available to those without it.

While colleges have sought to reduce barriers to entry for students, they are increasingly criticized as drivers of inequality, with low and middle income students being left behind by an increasingly complex system that favors those who can afford personalized help.

Regardless of their socioeconomic status, students are let down and left behind by a system that favors the kind of one size fits all advice pushed by the college admissions industry and an overwhelmed guidance infrastructure where the average counsellor is advising over 400 students of vastly different needs, strengths and goals. With administration budgets already stretched thin, high schools are unable to provide the kind of one to one guidance that makes a real difference in students’ lives and greatly improves outcomes.

The vastly different schools, programs and majors that students apply to makes it incredibly difficult to find informed mentors who can provide guidance from first hand experience. The internet should solve this problem, but has yet to.

The Beginning of Something New.

In 2016, my partner and cofounder Alex Thorburn-Winsor founded a content website that shared profiles, essays and written advice from students admitted to competitive US schools like Stanford, Harvard and Yale.

We realized there was an opportunity to broaden the scope of IvyApps as more and more students reached out to us asking about the possibility of connecting with the essay authors themselves for one-to-one help and review of their own essays. Their experiences directly inspired the creation of a new platform that alllowed for students to meet and chat with mentors who’ve done it before.

We began to see IvyApps as more than just an archive of successful college applications. It was time for a new brand, and a new name.

The Value Proposition

Hi, Welcome to Squired.

Students can see Mentors’ profiles, essays, and stats to match with mentors with similar interests, strengths and goals. Mentoring sessions are enabled through a 2-way approval scheduling system over video chat, offering students world class application advice no matter where they live, which school they go to, or who they know.


Squired enables personal connections between students and mentors. Our detailed profiles and essays allow students to get to know mentors on the platform before booking or getting in touch.


Squired’s mentors are students themselves, and offer mentoring at a price significantly below traditional college consultants.


Squired is entirely online, allowing students and parents to access our platform regardless of where they live, who they know, or where they go to school.

Who is it for? - Student Persona


The Squired Mentor Network

As the number of mentors onboard continued to grow, we began seeing a real diversity in experiences, personalities, and ambitions.

Community-driven & Scalable

Community based with profiles allowing mentors to monetize their audiences. Value increases as community grows, more users to go around for all mentors

Mentors are Influencers

We sought to grow our user base without significant spend to build a sustainable growth strategy that could scale beyond cold emails and expensive ad campaigns. To accomplish this, we leveraged our members’ existing social channels and networks.

THE Approach

The Chaotic Evolution of Squired’s Design

Over the years, we have seen various design changes and complete overhauls - the best way to describe my experience designing Squired’s site is “chaotic”.

We were looking to answer was: “How do we tell our full story to students in a compelling way?” We had a vague idea of a mission, but really no clue as to how to explain the real value to students.

Through the many, many different site iterations, those small breakthrough successes, and catastrophic failures, we sought to answer that question.

Squired V1

Hi, Welcome to Squired V1.

Squired’s first iteration was also my very first encounter with product design. The site was a hacked together Wordpress theme and plugins to manage our backend/profile system.

Squired V1 took a quite literal approach to story-telling. Much of the site was jam-packed with copy trying to explain what the benefits are for meeting with a mentor. That in combination with the awkward color palette, bloated components, and dated-design feel, left us with a lot of room for improvement.

There was a silver-lining - we were onboarding new mentors at a fast-pace and soon after had our first sale!  We asked the student, Stacey, if she’d be willing to share her experience with the platform and her call with one of our first mentors (and future partner), Eesha Agarwal. She was happy to help us out and shared these thoughts

Let’s shake things up.

Squired was dependent on piecing together other people’s code. While these plugins worked well independently,  they did not mesh well to form a coherent user experience. We were putting out fires left and right - whether that be dealing with slow site loading times, server crashes, or bookings between students and mentor seemingly disappearing off the record out of nowhere, we knew we needed a change and fast.

A major focus in our redesign was unity. We wanted one unified system to handle all elements of the customer-journey. It was also time Squired got a fresh face, beginning with an actual logo.

Squired V2

The Great Leap Forward...?

The second iteration of Squired saw a huge departure from our old approach to design. We had a better picture of how we wanted users to interact on our site, and was really the moment we began properly planning the layout of the site. We updated our website typography from using three fonts to using one single font (Lato) with a variety of weights and widths. We also created user flow charts that mapped the ideal customer journey.

We began transitioning the site off Wordpress towards a modern stack with the assistance of an external development agency. We were eager, excited, but ultimately naive.

How does it work?

After brainstorming potential solutions and analyzing pain points based on user feedback, we created a detailed site map outlining where each of Squired features would be developed. This allowed us to get a grasp into how the platform would work system-wide.

Student User flow: Book a time

We saw that many students felt more comfortable booking after an introductory conversation with a mentor. As such, we’ve directly integrated personal messaging within the booking process.

Mentor User flow: Complete your profile

We realize a major paint point for Mentors is  setup. We’ve since redesigned the ‘complete your profile’ flow towards an intuitive “step-by-step” process that guides the mentor through the initial setup.

V1 Essays Page

The essays page utilized a built-in Wordpress shortcode for blog content delivery.  As a result, this severly limited the customizeability on the front-end, leading to unorganized blocks of text that ultimately hampered readability.

V2 Essays Page

We’ve redesigned the essays page to better reflect our value proposition of personalized service.

V1 Student Dashboard

The student dashboard currently displays information such as recommended mentors and essays. However, these elements are static and not tailored to a student’s wants and/or interests.

V2 Student Dashboard

We’ve redesigned the dashboard to center act as a long-term hub for students to use to track important information such as their call schedule, as well as suggestions for mentors and essays to read that better fit the student’s goals.

Too much, too fast.

Everyday the project became more and more complex, and further out of scope from the original goal of just a new design.  We were working based off our intuition of what we thought made sense, with little feedback from users on its usefulness and viability.

As we were nearing the application season, the project continued to experience more delays to a point where the migration of the site became near impossible. We weren’t considering the training of mentors to this new system, the extra content we had to make, and the inevitable bugs we’d encounter that’d need more contract help to resolve.

In the end, the best course of action was to shelve the project and continue improving upon our current site based on what we knew worked.

V2 is dead. Long live V3.

Squired V3

Here comes the growth (and change)

Despite a rocky couple of months, we began seeing incredible growth in and around October 2020 with traffic numbers and new user signups hitting all time highs, and new mentors with about one mentor onboarded each week.

This period of time also marked the beginning of a new brand story.   We were shifting away from the idea of “explore different essays that worked” and began emphasizing the essay as just one part of a mentor’s story. The design problem became: how do we showcase each mentor’s uniqueness, guiding students to actively engage with and create relationships with like-minded peers and learning from their experience?  How do we tell that?

Through more user interviews with both students / mentors, and data-informed design with Google Analytics we began refining our message until we felt we knew who we were.

Controlled, Manageable, Informed.

Our first priority was to address fundamental issues we were facing with Wordpress. We moved our hosting away from Siteground onto Google Cloud Platform to solve the frequent issue of our site crashing. In combination with global elements standardization and plugin optimizations, we managed to address the page loading speed issues that plagued our SEO.

As well, we began fully leveraging the Google Analytics suite for goal-setting/tagging and A/B testing important pages to quantifiably measure the impact our changes made.

A Unified Application

We noticed many new users were dropping off early in the funnel and not exploring the site beyond the first couple of essays. For a new user unconditioned to Squired, it is unclear as to why they should view a mentor’s full profile.

From analytics we saw a negligable amount of users reach lower level of funnel, at ~0.01% reaching the view book me page, We sought to improve this by prominentely displaying mentors and parts of their profile relevant to a college application alongside their essays to entice the user to read more about them.


Cards were updated towards a greather emphasis on the mentor’s identity. We wanted a visual distinction between featured mentors and all mentors in the directory as we noticed a correlation between featuring a particular mentor and increased bookings with then.

Old Card Design

New Card Design

Old Essays “Cards”

New Essays Card


A clear funnel: product as the marketing stack.

Traditional marketing strategies like lead magnets can still bring people into your funnel, but they face an uphill battle converting those people into real users of your product or platform. We’ve designed our product around our marketing and distribution goals by first identifying elements of the platform that can draw significant traffic by offering immediate value with the ability to convert that traffic into actual users based on its fit into the rest of our product.

Organic Traffic

1. Arrive from search engine - landing  is “Successful x Essays”

2. User initially unaware of Squired’s core offering

3. Provide immediate validation - user wants to read successful college essays.

4. Essays prominently display author /  Squired mentor

5. User browses through Squired’s directory of essays. Upon hitting limit of 5 essays read, redirect to single-optin page

Single Opt-in Signup

1. User completes brief sign-up and directed towards dashboard.

2. User may return to reading more free essays*

View Profile

1. User may view profiles and read about the mentor’s stats, experience, and interests, to gain the full picture of who author is and context to essays read

2. Alternatively, mentors w/ social media presence offsite (i.e. YouTubers) may direct audience to their profiles as the landing

Message a Mentor

1. User may opt to message a mentor (for free) to gain learn more about them.

2. User may message multiple mentors until finding their favourite / most similar,

3. User may want to find a time that works the best for call


1. Booking process complete - time and call link forwarded to both mentor and user’s email address. Call faciliated via zoom.

By allowing them to commit at different levels, we’ve built a wide funnel that can serve all levels of willingness to pay while converting free traffic into paying customers. By not springing the sales page on them from the get-go, we’re able to convert users who aren’t immediately willing to spend money, or the time it takes to get to know the product.


Visual Standardization

We’ve designed much of the site’s components ad hoc which has led to various inconsistencies in design even up to this day. We’ve since create a design guide for future additions, and have been working backwards to find components and update them towards the new standard.

We updated our website typography from using three fonts to using one single font (Lato) with a variety of weights and widths. We also created a web style guide, that included everything from buttons, forms, modules, and sections and made sure to include all of the various states.



In all honestly, I had a fairly difficult time writing this case study. Part of the reason for that is this persistent feeling of incompleteness: “I’m missing stuff about the marketing strategy, and the technical learning, and the mentor onboarding strategy, and the ad ops, and the team management, etc. etc.”

I realized that it would be impossible to fit everything in, so I decided to focus on one theme: change. When I first began working on IvyApps, I had no real experience with product design. Through my  experience witnessing the effects of my creative decisions, direct conversations with real users,  guidance from those more around me, and the difficult lessons I faced with failures, I can honestly say that my time with Squired has helped me develop as both a designer and an entrepreneur.

There is still a lot to be improved on Squired’s site. The past few months have been scrappy, fast-paced, and challenging. That being said, I’m proud of everything we’ve learned and been able to accomplish.

Squired was my first exposure to entrepreneurship, and a real taste of the chaotic, stressful, and cyclical nature of bringing an idea to life. What continued to drive me was knowing we were helping real people achieve their dreams, and that feeling is incredible to me.

I’ve sinced moved on to complete my degree, but I take some comfort knowing the project is in the capable hands of my partner Alex.  Goodbye, Squired.

The Team

Alex Thorburn-Winsor - Co-founder & CEO
Martin Zhang - Co-founder & Head of Product
Yann Youten - Head of Mentor Relations
Syed Ahmed - CTO (Interim)
Kanav Petkar - Lead Developer
Jared McGrath - Developer
Toan Nguyen - Email Marketing
Candice Chow - Product Marketing
Teo Salgado -  Lead Advisor & Education Consultant